Golf Leagues

Drumm Farm Golf Club

Golf Leagues

Wednesday Senior League

The Drumm Farm Wednesday Senior League is a popular 18-hole league.  This league runs from May to October. Please sign up as a single golfer. Must be 55 years and older to play. Two tee boxes are played; 70+ play the forward tees.

Tuesday Ladies League

The Drumm Farm Tuesday Ladies League has become one of our most popular leagues. Join us as we announce award winners on the patio, participate in 50/50 raffles, and regularly have drink specials!

Thursday Executive Ladies League

The Drumm Farm Thursday Executive League has become one of our most popular ladies leagues. 

golf league

Sam Snead Golf League

The Drumm Farm Sam Snead Golf League is a local favorite each week. Play in a 2 person team format. See you on the tee.

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